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   4 @Mild hostility.
   4 @Mild attachment.
   4 @Considerable attachment.
   3 @Considerable hostility.
   2 @Very strong hostility.
   2 @Separated.
   2 @Occasionally.
   2 @Mild objection to them.
   2 @Divorced.
   1 would you:]@Give up and feel cheated of 20p?
   1 trydat2   xi
   1 ccasionally.
   1 Technical level.
   1 Stress Factor.
   1 Social morality.
   1 Snob value.
   1 Select the response which   gives a true reflection of  yourself.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
   1 Satisfaction rating.
   1 Political scale.
   1 Political morality.
   1 General morality.
   1 Fear level
   1 Family morality.
   1 F_QSelect the response which gives a true reflection of yourself.]What is your present state of health?]@Chronic ill-health.
   1 Exploitive morality.
   1 Economic morality.
   1 Dissatisfaction level.
   1 Criminal morality.
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 Combined average.
   1 Basic morality.
   1 @Your partner.][Are you satisfied with the amount of demonstration of affection?]@Yes.
   1 @Your partner giving in.
   1 @You plan to rent a home.][Population of city or town where you plan to live.]@Village.
   1 @You plan to buy a home.
   1 @You like them because they're the only ones that seem to fit your derriere.
   1 @You giving in.
   1 @Working class.
   1 @Worked only during vacations or while at school/college.
   1 @With your parents.
   1 @With relatives-in-law.
   1 @With parents-in-law.
   1 @With other relatives.
   1 @With other persons.][What is your attitude towards having children?]@Desire children very much.
   1 @Windsurfers do it standing up.]
   1 @What a shame some of you are under eighteen or over thirty.
   1 @We both prefer to be 'on the go'.
   1 @Watch how the experts do it?
   1 @Watch Crossroads at double speed?
   1 @Walk away defeated?
   1 @Very unhappy.][Your attitude towards your father when you were a child.]@Very strong attachment.
   1 @Very uncertain.][Where (if at all) do you plan to be married?]@At church.
   1 @Very strong hostility.][Your present attitude towards your mother.]@Very strong attachment.
   1 @Very little fear.
   1 @Very healthy.][Give your present marital status.]@Single.
   1 @Very frequently.
   1 @Upper-class parasites.
   1 @Upper class.
   1 @Unwholesome.][Where did you get your first information about sex?]@From parent.
   1 @University graduate.
   1 @Ugly people.
   1 @Try to work out the meanings?
   1 @Three times a month.
   1 @Three or more][What do you consider to have been the economic status of your parents during your adolescence?]@Well-to-do.
   1 @They're very transatlantic.][What do you think is the reason why so many people watch Coronation Street on television?]@Because it's a fascinating insight into northern working-class life.
   1 @They're all such nice people.][What do you tend to find most offensive at a party?]@Name-dropping.
   1 @They're about to break the mould of British politics.
   1 @Their record collection.
   1 @Their main purpose seems to be to advertise your wealth on your behind.
   1 @Their bookshelves.][Which of the following professional people has most prestige in your view?]@A dedicated political researcher.
   1 @Their bathroom cabinet.
   1 @The odd one.][What is your opinion of London?]@Large, impersonal and expensive.
   1 @The new middle-class mouthpiece.
   1 @The most prominent item in your living-room apart from the stereo?
   1 @The key to survival.
   1 @The key to our economic future.
   1 @Terror.][Being a passenger in a car][[Dead bodies.][[Suffocating.][[Failing a test.][[Looking foolish.][[Being a passenger in an airplane.][[Worms.][[Arguing with parents.][[Rats and mice.][[Life after death.][[Hypodermic needles.][[Being criticized.][[Meeting someone for the first time.][[Roller coasters.][[Being alone.][[Making mistakes.][[Being misunderstood.][[Death.][[Being in a fight.][[Crowded places.][[Blood.][[Heights.][[Being a leader.][[Swimming alone.][[Illness.][[Being with drunks.][[Illness or injury to a loved one.][[Being self-conscious.][[Driving a car.][[Meeting authority.][[Mental illness.][[Closed places.][[Boating.][[Spiders.][[Thunderstorms.][[Not being a success.][[God.][[Snakes.][[Cemeteries.][[Speaking before a group.][[Seeing a fight.][[Death of a loved one.][[Dark places.][[Strange dogs.][[Deep water.][[Being with a member of the opposite sex.][[Stinging insects.][[Untimely or early death.][[Losing a job.][[Car accidents.][Select the response which best reflects your feelings.]Yo
   1 @Temporary ill-health.
   1 @Talk in businesslike or even curt fashion?
   1 @Taking off.
   1 @Suburb.][Where do you plan to live?]@In own home.
   1 @Studiously ignore him.
   1 @Still attending.][How many organizations do you belong to or attend regularly, such as athletic club, luncheon club, civic organization, music society, patriotic organization, church group, etc.?]@None
   1 @Spend, spend, spend until you get a respectable score?][What do micro-chips mean to you?]@Japanese, small and important.
   1 @Speak self-consciously, stumbling and pausing?][If you were to win a video recorder would you:]@Watch more television?
   1 @Somewhat.
   1 @Somewhat unhappy.
   1 @Somewhat happy.
   1 @Sometimes.
   1 @Some of them.
   1 @Some fear.
   1 @Snap everything in sight?
   1 @Small town
   1 @Small flat.
   1 @Small city.
   1 @Skip a heart beat.
   1 @Six or more.][How do you rate your first information about sex?]@Wholesome.
   1 @Sitting next to a bore.][When you speak to an answering machine do you:]@Talk naturally as if there was someone on the line?
   1 @Significant social movements.
   1 @She is dead.][Rate your mother's appraisal of the happiness of her marriage.]@Extraordinarily happy.
   1 @Sex and drugs and rock and roll.
   1 @Secondary.
   1 @Put the phone down immediately?
   1 @Put more money in?
   1 @Poor.][What do you consider to be the social status of your parents in their own community?]@One of the leading families.
   1 @Pitiful.][Which of the following statements impresses you most?]@I've just returned from a dirty weekend in Paris.
   1 @Picking your nose.][What do you think about the new designer jeans?]@They're casual but smart.
   1 @Peer group.
   1 @Other.][Do you smoke?]@Not at all.
   1 @Other relative.
   1 @Other person.][Where do you plan to live after marriage?]@Own house.
   1 @Other adult or teacher.
   1 @One prefers to stay at home and the other to go out.]Choose the statement which best reflects your present agreement or disagreement with your partner.]Money matters.]@Always agree.
   1 @One dead.][Your appraisal of the happiness of your parents' marriage]@Very happy.
   1 @Once or twice a month.
   1 @Old Hippy.][What would your reaction be to a set of bronze flying ducks on your new lover's living-room wall?]@Very avant-garde.
   1 @Often.][Do you drink?][How much does each statement apply to your partner?]Willingly takes responsibility.]@Very much so.
   1 @Occasionally agree.
   1 @Objects very much to having them.]Select the response which best reflects your feelings.]I feel that my partner enjoys our sex life.]@Rarely or none of the time.
   1 @Object very much to having them.][How many children would you like to have?]@Four or more.
   1 @Not knowing who Zandra Rhodes is.][What best sums up your attitude to cults such as punks, mods or Soul boys?]@Exciting, vital and new.
   1 @Not at all.][Dominating.][[Irritable.][[Punctual.][[Moody.][[Angers easily.][[Ambitious.][[Jealous.][[Sympathetic.][[Easygoing.][[Stubborn.][[Sense of duty.][[Sense of humour.][[Easily hurt.][[Self-confident.][[Selfish.][[Nervous.][[Likes belonging to organizations.][[Impractical.][[Easily depressed.][[Easily excited.][Select the response which gives a true reflection of yourself.]Do you and your partner engage in interests and activities together?]@All of them.
   1 @None.][What is your partner's attitude towards having children?]@Desires children very much.
   1 @None of them.][Is there any interest vital to you in which your partner does not engage?]@Yes.
   1 @None because at school/college or at home.
   1 @No.][Your activity in church.]@Never attend.
   1 @No.][Using jump leads on a car battery?][[The TV exploding if it's left plugged in when not in use?][[Using electric drills or saws?][[Down escalators stopping suddenly?][[Using a sunbed?][Do you call an expert when:]The photocopier breaks down?][[Your spark plugs need replacing?][[The lights fuse?][[You want to buy a video recorder?][[The drains are blocked?][[You need a new hi-fi stylus?][Do you own any of these?]Electric toothbrush.][[Calculator.][[Personal stereo cassette-player.][[Battery-driven peppermill.][[Microcomputer.][[Short-wave radio.][Are any of these your hobbies?]Hi-Fi.][[Cars or motorbikes.][[Video.][[Computers.][[Space.][[CB radio.][Select the response which gives a true reflection of yourself.]What's the most frightening part of a plane journey?]@Banking.
   1 @No.][Spitting Image.][[Neasden.][[The Ecology Party.][[Artificial fibres.][[Effete southerners or 'salt of the earth' northerners.][[The Bob Monkhouse Show.][[Heavy Metal music.][[Private Eye.][[Marks and Spencer.][[Macrobiotics.][[Digital watches.][[Polish film directors.][[Computer dating.][[Ballroom dancing.][['Love is...' posters.][Select the response which gives a true reflection of yourself.]What would tell you more about a stranger's character?]@Their wardrobe.
   1 @No.][Have you changed your living conditions or moved?][[Have you had problems with in-laws?][[Have you taken out a large loan or mortgage?][[Have you tended to fall behind with the things you should do?][[Have you found it difficult to concentrate at times?][[Have you frequently had problems going to sleep?][[Have you found that you tend to eat, drink or smoke more than you feel is good for you?][[Have you watched three or more hours of television daily for weeks at a time?][[Have you or your spouse/partner changed jobs or work responsibilities?][[Have you been dissatisfied or unhappy with your work or felt excessive responsibility at work?][[Has a close friend died?][[Have you been fed up with your sex life?][[Have you been pregnant?][[Have you had an addition to the family?][[Have you worried about making ends meet?][[Has one of the family been in bad health?][[Have you taken tranquillizers from time to time?][[Have you often found yourself becoming easily irritated when things don't go well?][[Have you
   1 @No.][Do you confide in your partner?]@About everything.
   1 @No - desire more.][Is your partner satisfied with the amount of demonstration or affection?][[In leisure-time activities.]@We both prefer to stay at home.
   1 @No - desire less.
   1 @Never watching Top of the Pops.
   1 @Never reading books.
   1 @Never discussed.][Matters of recreation.][[Religious matters.][[Demonstrations of affection.][[Friends.][[Table manners.][[Matters of conventionality.][[Philosophy of life.][[Ways of dealing with your families.][[Arrangements for your living together.][[Dates with one another.][Select the response which gives a true reflection of yourself.]When disagreements arise between you and your partner they usually result in:]@Agreement by mutual give and take.
   1 @Neither giving in.][Do you ever wish you had not become attached?]@Never.
   1 @My parents are dead.][Marital status of your parents.]@Married (both living).
   1 @Must have belonged to the flat's former owners.
   1 @Must be part of the huntin', fishin' and shootin' set.][What is your overriding impression of the Social Democrats?]@A party of personalities.
   1 @Much fear.
   1 @Most or all of the time.][My sex life is very exciting.][[Sex is fun for my partner and me.][[I feel that my partner sees little in me except for the sex I can give.][[I feel that sex is dirty and disgusting.][[My sex life is monotonous.][[When we have sex it is too rushed and hurriedly completed.][[I feel that my sex life is lacking quality.][[My partner is sexually very exciting.][[I enjoy the sex techniques that my partner likes or uses.][[I feel that my partner wants too much sex from me.][[I think that sex is wonderful.][[My partner dwells on sex too much.][[I feel that sex is something that has to be endured in our relationship.][[My partner is too rough or brutal when we have sex.][[My partner observes good personal hygiene.][[I feel that sex is a normal function of our relationship.][[My partner does not want sex when I do.][[I feel that our sex life adds a lot to our relationship.][[I would like to have sexual contact with someone other than my partner.][[It is easy for me to get sexually excited 
   1 @Most of them.
   1 @Mindless trendiness.
   1 @Mildly desires them.
   1 @Mildly desire them.
   1 @Medium town.
   1 @Medium city.
   1 @Married.][Stage of education completed.]@Primary.
   1 @Lower-middle class.
   1 @Large town.
   1 @Large flat.
   1 @Large city.
   1 @Landing a man on the moon.
   1 @Irregularly employed.][Are you a church member?]@Yes.
   1 @I've just spent five hundred pounds at Harrod's sale.
   1 @I've just been on 'The Price Is Right'.
   1 @I'm emigrating to Australia.][Which situation would you find most embarrassing if a friend accidentally bumped into you?]@Being seen in flares.
   1 @I didn't vote Tory.
   1 @He is dead.][Your attitude towards your mother when you were a child.]@Very strong attachment.
   1 @Have no particular feelings one way or the other.
   1 @Great fear.
   1 @Graduate work or professional training.][Work record.]@Regularly employed.
   1 @Good part of the time.
   1 @Go out more in the evenings?
   1 @Go on special photographic outings?
   1 @Give up and accept you'll never repel the aliens?
   1 @Further education.
   1 @Full of metropolitan chauvinists.
   1 @From wholesome reading.
   1 @From harmful reading.
   1 @Frequently.][Have you ever contemplated breaking up your relationship?][[Has your steady relationship with your partner ever been broken off temporarily?][[How confident are you that your relationship will be a happy one?]@Very confident.
   1 @Frequently disagree.
   1 @Four times a month.][At what age did you stop attending Sunday School or other religious schools for children and young people?]@Never attended.
   1 @For men who don't have to try ... too hard.
   1 @Find the nearest phone and demand a refund from the owners?][What do you think of DIY?]@Strictly for domesticated people.
   1 @Feel threatened?
   1 @Extremely unhappy.][Rate your father's appraisal of the happiness of his marriage.][[Outside your family and kin, how many separated and divorced people do you know personally?]@None.
   1 @Enforced party games.][Which of these do you think is the best status symbol?]@A signed Hockney lithograph.
   1 @Emerging from a Barry Manilow family television extravaganza.
   1 @Elsewhere.][By whom  (if at all) do you plan to be married?]@Minister, priest or rabbi.
   1 @Don't like but can put up with.
   1 @Deep-sea oil-drilling.][When you take a camera on holiday do you:]@Carry it strung around your neck?
   1 @Decidedly unhappy.
   1 @Decidedly happy.
   1 @Council flat.
   1 @Considerably.
   1 @Considerable hostility.][Your present attitude towards your father.]@Very strong attachment.
   1 @Consider myself fortunate.][Your facial complexion.][[Your appetite.][[Your hands.][[Distribution of hair over body.][[Your nose.][[Your fingers.][[Elimination.][[Your wrists.][[Your waist.][[Your energy level.][[Your back.][[Your ears.][[Your chin.][[Exercise.][[Your ankles.][[Your neck.][[Shape of head.][[Your body build.][[Your profile.][[Your height.][[Your age.][[Width of shoulders.][[Your arms.][[Your chest.][[Your eyes.][[Your digestion.][[Your hips.][[Your skin texture.][[Your lips.][[Your legs.][[Your teeth.][[Your forehead.][[Your feet.][[Sleep.][[Your voice.][[Your health.][[Your sex activities.][[Your knees.][[Your posture.][[Your face.][[Your weight.][[Your sex (male or female).][[Back view of your head.][[Your trunk.][Select the response which reflects your experience for the last year.]Have you lived or worked in a noisy neighbourhood or town?]@Yes.
   1 @Confident.
   1 @Concrete jungle.][Which of the following badges impresses you most?]@I hate all badges.
   1 @Communications satellites.
   1 @Coming off a charter flight after a two-week package in Benidorm.
   1 @Comfortable.
   1 @Cheaper electrical goods.
   1 @Centre of the universe.
   1 @Buy postcards instead?][Is your television set:]@Part of the furniture?
   1 @Buy a television?][What do you regard as the greatest twentieth-century breakthrough?]@Heart transplants.
   1 @Britain just wouldn't be the same without them.
   1 @Both dead.
   1 @Better than Crossroads.][How do you regard Snoopy?]@A sweet little cartoon puppy.
   1 @Best left to the experts.][When someone speaks in technical jargon do you:]@Think, 'What a show-off'?
   1 @Before 10 years.
   1 @Bedsitter.][]@You have bought a home.
   1 @Because they're all inverted snobs.
   1 @Because soap operas are the opiate of the masses.][What is your opinion of the British Royal Family?]@Good for the tourist trade.
   1 @Because of Hilda Ogden's charisma.
   1 @Bad dancing.
   1 @Average health.
   1 @Attend less than once a month.
   1 @At a registry office.
   1 @Ask them how their sproggets feel?]Have you ever been contemptuous of or sneered at any of the following?]Music centres.]@Yes.
   1 @Ask him to be moved.][Which of the following advertising slogans do you find most persuasive?]@Says more about you than cash ever can.
   1 @An unaccountable lapse of taste.
   1 @An ambitious advertising executive.][Which of the following would you least like to admit to?]@Not knowing who the present Home Secretary is.
   1 @An adolescent craze.
   1 @Am satisfied.
   1 @Always employed but continually changing jobs.
   1 @Always disagree.
   1 @Almost never.][Who generally takes the initiative in the demonstration of affection?]@Mutual.
   1 @Almost always disagree.
   1 @Almost always agree.
   1 @About some things.
   1 @About nothing.][Does your partner confide in you?][[What is the frequency of demonstrations of affection you show your partner (kissing, embracing, etc.)?]@Occupies practically all of the time you are alone together.
   1 @About most things.
   1 @About a few things.
   1 @A useful and enjoyable hobby.
   1 @A profile in the Guardian.][If you sat next to George Michael on a transatlantic flight, what would you be most likely to do?]@Strike up a natural conversation.
   1 @A philosopher for our times.][Which of the following descriptions of yourself would you be likely to find most offensive?]@Non-U.
   1 @A little.
   1 @A little uncertain.
   1 @A little of the time.
   1 @A little fear.
   1 @A hit music journalist.
   1 @A few of them.
   1 @A double-barrelled name.
   1 @A discreet portable in the bedroom?
   1 @A creature of the seventies.
   1 @A compassionate social worker.
   1 @A breakthrough in miniaturization.][If you put money in a vending machine to no effect, do you:]@Kick and hit it?
   1 @A BMW with a set of personalized number plates.
   1 @19 and over.
   1 @11-18 years.
   1 @...You don't own one.][If you scored zero playing 'Space Invaders'